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My name is Alecia Johnson, the founder of a BizChat Unlimited, Business Academy. 

This is actually my 15th year of business.  Back in 2003, I started my first business, which was a freelance business.  


Professionally, I have quite a diverse background,


I spent some years wearing the corporate suit— Marketing & Sales was my specialty (I’m even degree in it!).

Although I really, enjoyed the money I was making, I had a feeling I was called for more……

Now enters my first business, which believe it or not, was in the non-profit sector.   I actually started as a volunteer, which led to freelance on the side, which turned into teaching, speaking and mentoring (who knew?!?)


Well, the tides changed, and along with it—motherhood was requiring me to spend additional time at home.  Plus, that same ole feeling kept gnawing at me.   Mind you, I was traveling and teaching and getting paid for it (talk about having a ball),  buuuuut,  I kept feeling like I was called to do something more.

So, I answered the call, by completing a graduate program in Education.  I graduated (with honors I might add), and settled in at an urban school—with a mission to fight the war on illiteracy and poverty!  So I thought…………….


During my 4th year of teaching, I moved into an administrative position, where I found myself once again—teaching, speaking and mentoring (seriously, I had a position coaching teachers—talk about dream job!)   And, apparently I was dreaming, if I thought that entrepreneurial itch would simply go away.  

At that time, working my dream job and staying close to home were priorities, so I enlisted the assistance of my laptop.  Together we explored the world of online entrepreneurship and I discovered the unlimited amount of people willing to pay for the things I made in my craft room, as well as the delicious cakes I made in my kitchen!  The more I networked and talked about my entrepreneurial journey, the more people began to inquire about how I did it, and asked if I could help them. (Pretty cool- if I don’t say so myself- like now I’m coaching after hours, too!)


Eventually the winds blew and I found myself downsized from my job, which led to some serious soul searching.  I thought about moments when I was happiest and most fulfilled, as well as my personal mission in the next season. The answer came fairly easy, when teaching and when working for myself.   

As they say, the rest is history!


I’ve combined my love of teaching with all my years of experience and “voila” BizChat Unlimited, Online Business Academy is born.  Not only do I get the privilege of providing resources for those desiring to fulfil their dreams of entrepreneurship, I also get the privilege of helping women become financially self-sufficient (and that TOTALLY ROCKS)!   


To Educate, Encourage and Empower is my motto and my mission!

Extended Mission Statement (Just in case you were wondering):  BizChat Unlimited Online Business Academy was created to Educate, Encourage, and Empower women with an entrepreneurial spirit,   by providing business related teaching, tools, and resources, thus improving the economic state of  individuals, families and communities


Nuff Said…………..AJ




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