Did You Know The Money You've Been Asking God For Is Already In Your Hand?
Learn Kingdom Strategies For Turning Your
Into Profitable Digital Products
So You Can Fund Your Ministry Vision &
Do The Work of The Lord
Without Having To Worry About Finances

Learn Why Now Is The Best Time For EVERY Personal Ministry (& Business) To Have Income Streams that include
PRODUCTS To Sell....
Let us show you how you can SHARE YOUR MESSAGE
**Advance the kingdom
**Financially support your vision
**Globally expand your ministry
**Earn passive income streams that also
support your family
You can do it ALL by creating profitable digital products that both share your faith & glorify God!
Boot Camp BEGINS Mon 5/22/23
During This 1-Day Boot Camp You Will Learn.....
👉***The Manifestation of Your Kingdom Abundance – An Intro To Ministry Digital Products
👉***The Worthy Workman, 1 Tim 5:17 Promise of Double Honor - Understanding the basics of creating digital products that will help fund your vision
👉***The best digital products to create & what mistakes to avoid when getting started
👉***Money For Ministry Acts 20 Prosper Like Paul Model For Creating Products & Services - The Art of transforming your existing ministry content into monthly passive income streams + pricing your digital products
👉*******Stepping into Your "Enlarged Territory" of Kingdom Influence, Impact + Your Next Steps – Tools for creating, marketing & selling your digital products for maximum impact & recurring ministry income

Meet Your Kingdom Income Strategist,
Prophetess Alecia N. Johnson
With over 20 years of experience, Elder Alecia N. Johnson thrives as an experienced instructor and curriculum writer for ministers-in-training. She also serves as the creator of The Kingdom CEO Movement, a multi-dimensional kingdom brand that serves female ministry & business leaders through small group coaching, classes/courses, and a variety of trainings on successfully building, branding, and creating income for your kingdom work.
A born-again Christian and licensed educator by trade, Alecia also holds a Master’s degree in Curriculum & Instruction. In addition to being a certified business coach, Alecia is the author of the leading book, The Virtual Ministry Playbook, has a Christian Education Series, and has traveled nationally as a revivalist, conference speaker, and workshop facilitator.
Alecia is also a mom to one amazing adult son and resides in the Midwestern part of the United States. What she loves most about being a kingdom entrepreneur is the ability to share her faith, and having the resources to help others. In addition, the educator in her also loves teaching others how to grow in their faith, develop their God-given vision, monetize their gifts & talents as well as how to create profitable Kingdom brands that will fund their ministry and legacy.
So Are You Ready (& Willing) To Step Into the
Join the 1-Day Money For Ministry Boot Camp & Let Us Show You How!