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Get Ready To Walk In God's Call &
 Shift Into Your
Next Level of Purpose!

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Walking Out Your Ministry Vision Is One of the MOST EMPOWERING Things You Can Do To

Honor God & The Call On Your Life


That's why I created the Ministry Jumpstart 2.0

 Group Coaching Experience 



The  Ministry Jumpstart 2.0

5 Week Group Coaching Experience will give you

the tools & resources you need to....


  • Advance The Kingdom


  • Expand Your Personal Ministry &


  • Earn a Sustainable Living While Doing What You Love



We've broken the class series down into class 5 live sessions with bite-sized lessons to take you step-by-step through the process of  immediately  shifting your ministry vision to the next level



Class 1: "The MVP (Make The Vision Plain) Matrix- In this module you will identify your ministry's vision, mission, core values and goals -  so you will  have clarity regarding the ministry direction, and what you most desire to achieve



 Class 2: "The Nehemiah 2:17 Principle"  You'll take a "deep dive" into defining & understanding your Kingdom Builders (target audience) so you'll know exactly who will be a part of your ministry community and what roles they will play


Class 3: "The Unburied Talent" - Use your gifts & talents to plan & outline ministry product/service offers so you can help your followers and create a sustainable income  


CLASS 4:  - Develop Your Personal Ministry Brand                           

At the end of  this bonus class you'll be able to define & articulate your personal brand in a way that attracts your kingdom builders and

conveys an authentic image 


Class 5:  "Marketing Your Ministry" - Discover how to find the most effective strategies for moving  your ministry from where it's at now to where you want it to be, so you can be pro-active in growing your online ministry platform  





#1 BONUS VIDEO  The Digital Product Solution - Have you been procrastinating because either you don’t know what to create and what tools to use to get it done? You can kiss that season goodbye. We added this bonus "Canva Digital Products" class to show you the simple solution for creating amazing digital products not only your audience will love , but will also bring in the cash.


#2 BONUS HANDOUT - determine just how equipped you are for the calling, and what niche areas your expertise is most needed



At The End of the Ministry Jumpstart 2.0 

5 Week Group Coaching Experience,

You'll Be Able To .....



*Have absolute clarity on the direction you want your

ministry to move toward


*Know where to put your skills, gifts and talents to work as you gain the followers that need you the most 


*Master strategies and refine your authentic personal brand to attract kingdom builders who will help you further your message


*Understand how to create product offers and market your

ministry to grow your platform, spread your message & 

create a sustainable income





Listen, it’s past time you take the "leap of faith"

into your next level of ministry


Let me show you how to do it--the right way!



Classes Start Sept 2024




Complete the Below Form To Schedule

A Call & Save Your Spot in the Sept 2024  â€‹


Ministry Jump 2.0

 5 Week Group Coaching Experience Today 

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SMS Sharing Disclosures: No mobile information will be shared with third parties/affiliates for marketing/promotional purposes.

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