Well we’re just about 6 weeks into the year 2020, and I’m doing check-in on you and your Quarter 1 goals.

While it looks as if many of you are hard at work in this area, it has come to my attention that just as many of you are on the complete opposite end and feeling a bit stuck.
I believe it’s a rare business owner who—at some point—doesn’t feel stuck, and for many reasons.
Maybe you’ve been working so hard the past year, that now when you need the most momentum--you’ve began to experience burnout (been there)!
Perhaps it’s because you aren’t reaching the goals you set for yourself thus far in Quarter 1?
Could it be possible that you’re feeling stuck because you can’t seem to get past the income plateau you’ve suddenly found yourself on?
Whatever the reason, I want you to know feeling stuck is a normal part of being in business, but staying there isn’t!
In order to be successful in your business (or ministry), it is imperative that you figure out how to overcome both the hurdles and overwhelm, and continue on your path of growing your business.
Like I’ve been preaching for quite a while—you vision is so much bigger than you. It’s also about the people God designated to receive whatever product or service your business provides. #YouAreTheAnsweredPrayer
So, the first step is to determine what exactly is holding you back, let’s take a look at a few of the most common I’ve heard when working with clients…..
Is it a Clarity Issue?
1. Lack of Clarity: When you don’t really know what it is you want from your business, you’re experiencing a lack of clarity.
Maybe you aren’t clear on who you’re meant to serve, or can’t quite envision your completed book. Or maybe you can’t even picture your next teaching workshop in its entirety.
These are all symptoms of a lack of clarity, and they can stop a promising business in its tracks.
**Action Step: So, if you’re suffering from a lack of clarity, take a step back and do some brainstorming (or brain dumping) to get everything out in the daylight where you can see it.
This alone can help you get clear on what your next step is, and maybe even point out why you’re not getting as much done.
Have Your Considered the Focus Factor?
2. Lack of Focus: If you’re clear on your goals but you’re having trouble moving forward consistently, then a lack of focus might be your trouble.
For example, you head to your office each morning with purpose, but by lunch it’s clear you haven’t accomplished anything you set out to do.
Sound familiar?
Now of course this doesn’t make you a bad entrepreneur, it’s simply a sign that you have trouble focusing on the next step that needs to happen to make your “big picture” dreams come true.
**Action Step: I want you to give this a try, with your end goal in mind, brainstorm the next physical action you need to take to achieve it.
For example: if your goal is to build a 4-week e-course, then your next step might be to poll your mailing list about what they need/want from you.
As a result of polling your audience, their responses should provide you with the much needed direction, that you can zero-in on, and get busy creating what they need. Get it? #YouAreTheAnswerPrayer
Could it Be a Lack of Excitement?
3. No Excitement: Are you bored? Finding yourself losing interest or not quite as passionate about the business you once loved?
Believe it or not, this is, unfortunately, pretty common among entrepreneurs, and ministry leaders as well.
That’s why we see so many business owners jumping from business to business, (or ministry to ministry) never spending enough time in any one endeavor to see it through to success.
Coming from a person that’s been there (in business and in ministry), staying excited about your business starts with having a dream that keeps you going even when you’re faced with the same old day-to-day routine that every small business owner encounters.
**Action Step: You simply must keep in mind that not everything is going to be the “jump up and down type of exciting when you’re running a business, but if you keep your “why” in mind, it can help you get past the dull spots.
Alrighty ya’ll, I think I’m going to wrap up here. While I only mentioned 3 reasons for being stuck, of course there are many more. Feel free to shoot me an email, and share with us, some of the reasons you found yourself stuck in the past, and what action steps did you take to move forward
Love, Peace & Blessings….