The #1 Thing You Need to Build a Solid Foundation for Your Business
You want your business to be successful, right? Then grab some paper and get ready to take notes!

I want you to know, that it's important for you to first build your business upon a solid foundation.
Now I'm not just any foundation-- today we're talking about building your business on a God-centered foundation.
Let's begin by taking a look at the word build.
I've noticed the word "build" automatically seems to result in a sense of excitement/anticipation whenever it's mentioned.
For example, if you say to someone “Guess What?" "We’re building our first home —from the ground up!”
Their response is usually one of excitement or anticipation.
On the other hand--I've also noticed......,

At some point during the process, the challenges start to show up, and the level of excitement –well, it’s NOT quite so high……. as a matter of fact, it tends to dwindle quite a bit and quickly.
Why, you may ask?
In the midst of building we quickly find out a few things such as......
a) Building anything is NOT as easy as we thought
b) Building requires additional knowledge, (we don’t know as much as we thought)
c) Building is a PROCESS that takes TIME

Honestly, its how we handle these building challenges that’ll make or break your building process --—especially when you’re talking about building a business.
*****So let’s switch gears—and begin to take a look at the type of foundation your business will stand on.
If your business is built on a solid foundation (which is a God-centered foundation) --then when the challenges emerge--you shouldn't have to worry about the business not standing.
I have a few tips to help you build your business a successful- foundation..........
I. Foundation Facts
1. The strength of any building lies in its foundation.
2. The main purpose of the foundation is to hold the structure above it,
3. It is the foundation that allows a structure to maintain it’s upright position.
Unfortunately, establishing a strong foundation for your business is a step many entrepreneurs miss!
We have a tendency to get an idea/vision--maybe search the internet, and jump right into trying to build a business.
Think about it--what would happen if you’d physically begin to assemble the structure of a building w/o any existing foundation?
Answer: It would slowly begin to sink, making it almost impossible to elevate the structure!
II. Not Any Foundation Will Do!
Many businesses are built on foundations such as: money, team, leadership etc.
Although important--s a business owner who serves God, your foundation needs to go DEEPER—much DEEPER.
You have to allow God to be the foundation of your business!
So, what does that mean—I’m glad you asked--
Hebrew’s 3:4 For every house is built by some man; but he that built all things is God.
How many? ALL THINGS!
Your business is no exception
Remembering The job of the foundation…….
a. support the structure above
b. keep the structure upright

III. Having God as the FOUNDATION OF YOUR BUSINESS IS SOOO MUCH More Than Kingdom Quotes & Scriptures!
Keep in mind, that as a believer—you profess that your personal values & principles are BASED on the bible & the character of Christ.
Having God as foundation of your business simply means…….. The starting point of your business principles, ethics, practices are rooted in bible based principles and beliefs.
You've also made the decision to give up some of that control (b/c it’s always a choice) and allow room for the HOLY SPIRIT to guide you in your business decision making.
This is done with the understanding that ultimately--the success of your business-- is so that Christ can be glorified in the earth realm.
Truth be told—it’s always about His Glory anyway!
Alrighty, That's About All For Now......
Until Next Time!
AJ #DreamBigger!!